HFC Online Auction Coming in 2023

Happy the cat

We are planning to host an online auction sometime in the spring of 2023, It will be a first for HFC and we hope that it will result in raising funds to sustain our spay/neuter programs. through another kitten season . More details will be revealed as plans take shape.

Purses For Paws Fundraising Event- Nov 4, 2023

THANK YOU TO THE ANIMAL LOVERS IN OUR LIFE We would like to thank Mr. Lloyd Guptill for his unwavering commitment to the HFC cat sanctuary and for his love of cats and all animals. We are grateful to Panagakos Development and Michael and Jen Panagakos for generously donating the use of 1322 Ashley Blvd

Bags of Kindness-Remembering Phyllis E. Sweeney

On August 26, 2021, we mourned the passing of Phyllis E. Sweeney, one of Habitat for Cats’ founding members and a friend of the Westport community. To pay tribute to Phyllis, her family and friends coordinated with Habitat for Cats to plan a charitable cat food donation event in her home town of Westport.  The