
Massachusetts Animal Friendly License Plate
from Massachusetts Animal Coalition

Tell your community you care about animals! By purchasing this license plate, you will be contributing to a statewide program that will directly benefit Massachusetts animals.

The initial cost of this Animal Friendly license plate is $40, $28 of which will be used to help fund this statewide program. The remaining $12 is a one time only cost to cover the manufacturing of the plate.

Upon renewal, the entire $40 will go to this spay/neuter program. (The standard registration fee is due every two years upon renewal in addition to the Animal Friendly license plate fee).

Funds received from the sale of these special license plates will be dispersed annually by the Massachusetts Animal Coalition – MAC through a grant process. These fund will be awarded to non-profit humane organizations and municipal animal control agencies in the Commonwealth that provide spaying and neutering services to cats and dogs.

MAC is comprised of animal welfare professionals and volunteers who work together to decrease the number of homeless, neglected, displaced and abused animals across Massachusetts.  To purchase an Animal Friendly license plate go to:

Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinics


Animal Associates
606 State Rd.
N. Dartmouth, MA.
(508) 991-3900
Pet Partners Inc.
139 Shaw St.
Fall River, MA.
(508) 672-4813
Sylvan Animal Clinic
474 Durfee St.
Fall River, MA.
(508) 679-6122


Potter League Spay & Neuter Clinic
235 Elm St.
Warwick, Rhode Island 02888
Phone: 401-846-0592
Fax: 401-367-0122

Potter League Spay & Neuter Clinic Website Link is below:

Animal Rescue League Of Boston- Spay Waggin

Call to make an appointment with the Spay Waggin’ Mobile Unit for spay/neuter for your pet or a feral cat (includes vaccinations, microchip and a wellness check-up).

Call 1-877-590-SPAY or visit

For a suggested donation of $120, an appointment can be made with the Mobile Unit (Spay Waggin)for spay/neuter including vaccinations, microchip and wellness check-ups. Arrange your appointment for your cat when the Spay Waggin comes to the greater New Bedford area.

Concerned Citizens For Animals
PO Box 80073
Springfield, MA 01138-0073
A non-profit Spay/Neuter program for the financially needy.

Massachusetts SPCA
350 South Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02130-4803
Reduced cost spay/neuter for low income pet owners.

Merwin Memorial Free Clinic For Animals
542 Cambridge Street
Allston, MA 02134-2403

Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society
91 Bridge Road
Salisbury, MA
spay/neuter for ferals. TNR program.

North Shore Feline Rescue
PO Box 1263
Middleton, MA 01949
Assistance with TNR.

Northeast Animal Shelter
204 Highland Ave.
Salem, MA 01970

Paw Safe Animal Rescue
281 High Street
Medford, MA 02155-3717
781 396 3585

Standish Humane Society
PO Box 1467
Duxbury, MA 02066-0824
Feral Neutering Program

Stray Pets In Need of Massachusettes, Inc.
PO Box 812143
Wellesley, MA 02182
spay neuter assistance for low income pet owners.

Dispelling six common myths about neutering cats

  1. My cat will become fat and lazy after being neutered.
    Your cat will not become fat or lazy after being neutered. As an animal ages, the metabolism naturally slows down. Overfeeding and lack of exercise are the main causes of obesity.
  2. My female cat will be a better pet if I let her go through at least one heat before I get her spayed.
    No evidence exists to support the belief that female animals should go through a heat or have one litter before being spayed. Unfortunately, letting a female animal go through its first heat greatly increases her chances of developing mammary cancer later in life.
  3. My male cat will develop feline urological syndrome if I neuter him.
    Castrating a young male cat will not predispose him to urethral obstruction when he is older. There is no medical evidence to support this theory.
  4. Only owners of female cats are responsible for controlling the problem of pet over-population.
    No, animal population control is the responsibility of all pet owners, not just the owners of females. One male cat can sire more litters in the same amount of time that one female cat can produce offspring.
  5. My cat will become depressed if it cannot breed.
    Eliminating a cat’s ability to breed will not cause depression or reduce its quality of life. Some cat owners equate their cat’s sexuality with human sexuality. However, a cat’s sexuality does not have the same emotional or physiological attributes.
  6. Keeping my cat indoors all the time is an effective alternative to neutering.
    Keeping a cat indoors is not an effective means of “birth control.” A female cat “in heat” or a male detecting a female in heat will use any tactic possible to escape and find a mate.

Alternatives to DecIawing

By Diane East

If anyone has witnessed a cat stretching its body, arching its back and extending its claws to have a good stretch on a tree trunk, a scratching post, or an arm of a chair, they cannot help but observe the sheer pleasure a cat derives from this ritual. Stretching and sharpening claws are very essential parts of being a cat. Unfortunately, in the United States, today, declawing has become as acceptable a procedure as spaying or neutering. Fortunately, there are some veterinarians who will refuse to declaw a cat unless the only alternative is euthanasia. One veterinarian who has spoken out strongly against declawing is Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Medicine, and the author of two books entitled: “The Cat Who Cried for Help” and “The Dog Who Loved Too Much.” Dr. Dodman has written passionately on the subject of declawing. His book describes the surgery as “actual amputation of the tips of the digits, bones and all:’ He notes that recovery from surgery is excruciatingly painful and not only doss it leave a cat physically vulnerable but psychologically vulnerable as well. Some cats become biters or will become overly anxious and nervous as a result of declawing. Dr. Dodman writes there are alternatives to declawing that should work if applied properly.

  1. Provide scratching posts, tall enough for the cat to stretch full length.
    Position one of them close to the cat’s usual sleeping area as cats like to stretch and scratch after they first wake up. The other posts should be positioned in high traffic areas of the house. 
  2. The posts must be extremely secure. Cats do not like to scratch something that wobbles or falls down a lot.
  3. The scratching posts must be covered in any material that is easily shredded like burlap. Cats love to be able to shred the material. The fabric used should preferably have vertical fibers.
  4. Sometimes a large, solid log makes a great scratching post.
  5. Lacing the posts with catnip will make them even more attractive to the cat.
  6. To deter scratching inappropriate sites, e.g. stereo speakers, arms of chairs/sofas, etc., wrap aluminum foil or plastic wrap around the site. If a site is impossible to wrap, spray perfume or citrus scent on to the site. Cats hate the smell of perfume and citrus.
  7. If the cat continues to scratch inappropriate places, go to the Veterinarian and purchase Soft Paws, which are soft plastic caps he glues on to the cat’s nails. They come in designer colors. They are not permanent and will have to be replaced periodically.