Habitat for Cats is a nonprofit, all volunteer organization
specializing in Trap-Neuter-Return of feral and abandoned cats.

Thousands of cats are lost or abandoned each year. These castaway cats live without human contact, searching for food and shelter. In time, they become feral cats and form feral cat colonies.

Habitat for Cats (HFC) is dedicated to reducing the number of homeless cats and kittens by focusing our efforts on population control.

To accomplish this, we provide programs for trapping, and sterilization for many of the feral and abandoned cats located in our Southeastern Massachusetts community. Friendly cats and kittens, found in colonies, are placed in our foster care program and transferred to shelters for adoption or adopted directly from our foster homes.

group of stray cats going to a food trap

Kittens born in the absence of human contact, must be rescued by at least 7 weeks of age for best outcome in socialization with humans. A kitten needs to experience human contact as soon as possible to prepare them for a better life. Habitat for Cats’ goal is to always trap and rescue the entire family – Momma cat and all her kittens, even if it takes waiting a week or more. 

It is essential that the mother cat is trapped and spayed!  A cats’ breeding season can start as early as four or five months in a female kitten and last almost year-round until the cat is spayed or becomes pregnant.

This entire effort requires all our resources of TNR, spay/neuter and foster care/adoption programs.